Only Cat To Travel Into Orbit


1. Mission: On October 18, 1963, Felicette was launched aboard a French VĂ©ronique AGI sounding rocket from the Hammaguir base in the Sahara Desert. The mission aimed to study the effects of space travel on living organisms. 2. Training: Prior to the mission, Felicette underwent extensive training. She was selected from a group of 14 cats based on her ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Her training involved being confined in a small capsule and subjected to various t...
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Richest Colombian Drug Lord And Narcoterrorist

Pablo Escobar

1. Early Life: Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was born on December 1, 1949, in Rionegro, Colombia. He grew up in a middle-class family and showed entrepreneurial skills from a young age. As a teenager, he started selling stolen tombstones and later engaged in various criminal activities. 2. Rise to Power: Escobar began his drug trafficking career by smuggling cocaine into the United States in the late 1970s. He quickly expanded his operations, establishing a vast network that controlled the production, transportation, and distribution of cocaine worldwide. At the h...
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Pablo Escobar
Air Force One
United States Air Force Aircraft Carrying The President

Air Force One

1. Aircraft: Air Force One is a highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft. It has a length of 231 feet and 10 inches, wingspan of 195 feet and 8 inches, and a height of 63 feet and 5 inches. The plane has four engines, each providing around 56,000 pounds of thrust. 2. Interior: The interior of Air Force One is divided into three levels. It has facilities like bedrooms, bathrooms, a conference room, a presidential suite, and a comm...
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Replaced His Eye With Eyecam

Rob Spence

Rob Spence is a filmmaker and animator known for his unique approach to storytelling. Spence, also known as "Eyeborg" or "Eyecam," gained media attention for replacing his right eye with a prosthetic one that has a built-in video camera. This unique modification allows him to record his point of view and capture footage in a way that was previously impossible. He became a symbol of the possibilities of merging human biology with technology, sparking discussions about the ethical and mor...
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Rob Spence
designed american flag
American Flag Designer

Robert G Heft

Robert G. Heft (1942-2009) was an American designer and educator, best known for his creation of the current design of the United States flag. 1. Flag Design: In 1958, when Heft was just 17 years old and a junior at Lancaster High School in Ohio, he designed a new 50-star flag as a class project. At that time, Alaska and Hawaii were seeking statehood, and the United States needed a revised flag design. Heft's design, featuring five rows of alternating s...
Sold His Apple Shares For Just $800

Ronald Wayne

Ronald Wayne is an American Entreprenuer and co-founder of Apple Inc. Born May 17, 1934 in Cleveland, Ohio. Wayne played a significant role in the early stages of Apple's formation alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In 1976, Wayne collaborated with Jobs and Wozniak to establish Apple Computer Company. At the time, Wayne held a 10% ownership stake in the company. He played a critical role in drafting the original partnership agreement and even designed the first apple logo. However, Wayne's ti...
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ronald wayne
survived lightning strikes
More Than Five Times Struck By Lightning

Roy Sullivan

1. Early Life: Roy Cleveland Sullivan was born on February 7, 1912, in Green County, Virginia, United States. He grew up in a farming family and developed an early interest in working outdoors. 2. Park Ranger Career: Sullivan joined the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia in 1936 as a ranger. He spent most of his career in this role, patrolling the area and assisting visitors. 3. First Lightning Strike: On Apr...
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Greatest Playwright In History


1. Historical Background: William Shakespeare's exact birthdate is not known, but records indicate that he was baptized on April 26, 1564. He married Anne Hathaway in 1582 and had three children. 2. Early Life and Education: Shakespeare likely received a formal education at the King's New School in Stratford-upon-Avon, where he would have studied Latin and classical literature. However, there is limited information about his early life and education, and many details remain sp...
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historys greatest playwright