Fresh Fish Water Species

Biggest Gold Fish

1. Size: Big goldfish can grow significantly larger than their smaller counterparts. While the average size of a common goldfish is around 6-8 inches (15-20 cm), big goldfish can reach lengths of up to 10-12 inches (25-30 cm) or even larger in some cases. 2. Lifespan: Goldfish, including big goldfish, have the potential to live for quite a long time. Under optimal conditions and with proper care, they can live up to 20 years or more. 3. Appearance: The big goldfish shares similar physical characteristics to the common goldfish. These fish typically have a streamlined body shape, vibrant color...
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Fresh Fish Species
Mimics your dead loved ones voice
Mimic Dead Loved Ones

Amazon's Alexa

1. Functionality: Alexa is primarily known for its voice-controlled capabilities. It can perform a wide range of tasks, including playing music, providing weather updates, setting alarms and reminders, answering questions, controlling smart home devices, making phone calls, sending messages, and even ordering products from Amazon. 2. Hardware: Alexa is available on multiple devices developed by Amazon, such as the Amazon Echo s...
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A Costly Ransom

Barbra Mackle

1. Early Life: Barbara Jane Mackle was born on June 1, 1948, in Coral Gables, Florida, to Robert and Patricia Mackle. She grew up in a wealthy family and attended the exclusive Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale. 2. Kidnapping: On December 17, 1968, Barbara Mackle was abducted from her motel room in Decatur, Georgia, by Gary Steven Krist, a former Air Force veteran. Krist posed as a police officer and convinced her to open the door before overpowering her and taking her hostage. 3. Captivity: Kri...
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Spent 3 days in a box coffin
The fires burn very slowly
The Burning Mountain

Mount Wingen

1. Location: The Burning Mountain is situated near the town of Wingen, approximately 200 kilometers north of Sydney in the Hunter Region of New South Wales. 2. Underground Coal Seam Fire: The Burning Mountain is the result of an underground seam of coal that has been burning continuously for at least 6,000 years. It is one of the oldest known coal seam fires in the world. 3. Unique Natural Phenomenon: The burning coal seam emits smoke and heat through vents on the surface, creating an intriguing and ra...
The Most Dangerous Festival


1. Purpose: The Ombashira festival is held to renew the four shrines of the Suwa Grand Shrine, which are dedicated to the gods of agriculture, water, and war. The festival aims to ensure the stability and prosperity of the region. 2. Duration: The festival lasts for approximately one month, with various rituals and ceremonies taking place throughout the period. 3. Preparation: The festival requires extensive preparation, starting several years in advance. The key highlight of the festival is the r...
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Festival Involving Injuries And Death
The Japanese Maths
The Black Magic Of Maths

Japanese Multipilication

Also known as the lattice method or the grid method, is an alternative technique used for multiplying numbers. 1. Methodology: The Japanese multiplication method involves creating a grid-like structure to perform the multiplication. The grid consists of rows and columns that intersect to form smaller boxes. 2. Grid Formation: To begin, draw a vertical line on the left side of the paper and a horizontal line at the top. These lines will serve as the framework for the grid. 3. Digit Placement: Write one of the numbers being m...
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The Swedish Torch


The Swedish torch, also known as a Swedish fire torch or Canadian candle, is a unique and efficient way to create a portable campfire or outdoor heat source. 1. Origin and Name: The Swedish torch is believed to have originated in Sweden during the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century. It gets its name from its association with Sweden, where it was commonly used by soldiers for heating and cooking. 2. Design: A Swedish torch is made by vertically splitting a log into four or more sections, but not all the way thro...
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Portable Campfire
End Time Abomination Of Desolation
The Abomination Of Desolation

Biblical Concept

These trumpets are sounded by angels and each one unleashes a specific catastrophic event upon the earth. 1. Biblical Reference: The concept of the trumpets of the apocalypse is found in the New Testament book of Revelation, specifically in chapters 8 and 9. It is part of a series of visions received by the apostle John on the island of Patmos. 2. Seven Trumpets: In the book of Revelation, seven a...
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End Time Events

Prophetic Catalyst

Things like the Pope will have a meeting with the United States President to enforce a Sunday Law have been said including many different theories about what will bring the end of the world. And people have been wondering how to prepare for last day events. But we can see what is happpening at the present time and know whether or not the world is about to end. Here is a state from Testimonies 9T 11.1 "Wr are living the time of the end. The fast-fulling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The day in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war are portentous. T...
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A prophetic catalyst