The Worlds Largest Polygamous Family

Ziona Chana

Ziona Chana was born on July 21, 1945, in the Baktawng village located in the state of Mizoram, Northeast India. Chana was born into a poor family and grew up in a remote and isolated village. He belonged to a religious sect called the Chana Pawl, which practices a form of Christianity known as the "Brethren," combined with local tribal customs and traditions. His father, Khuangtuaha Chana, was the founder of this sect. Ziona Chana, like other members of his sect, followed a polygamous lifestyle. He married his first wife, Zathiangi, in 1959 when he was just 14 years old. Over the years, he continued to marry more women from the same village, some of whom were sisters or cousins. The marriages were typically arranged by the sect's elders, and each new wife was given her own separate dwelling within the family's compound. Chana was the father of numerous children, with the number still growing at the time of his death. He had set several records with his large family, including the world record for the largest living individual family. The household was organized hierarchically, with Chana being the head of the family and his wives abiding by a rotational system for spending time with him. Despite the size of his family, Chana managed his household efficiently. He created jobs within his community to sustain the family's needs and earn a living. The family owned a large plot of land where they practiced agriculture, primarily cultivating crops such as soybeans, bananas, and rice. They also reared livestock and ran a small local school. The family's income was supplemented through donations from followers of their religious sect.
Chana and his family lived in a massive four-story structure that was specially designed to accommodate the entire household. The building, known as the "Chhuan Thar Run" or the "House of the New Generation," had approximately 100 rooms and covered an area of over 100,000 square feet. It featured a communal kitchen, dining halls, and separate bedrooms for the wives and children. The house became a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from all over the world. Unfortunately, Ziona Chana passed away on June 13, 2021, due to health complications. His death marked the end of an era for the world's largest family. Following his demise, his eldest son, Parliana, took over as the new head of the family. The Chana family continues to live in their home in Baktawng village and uphold their unique lifestyle and traditions. Ziona Chana's life and his family's story have intrigued and fascinated people from various backgrounds and cultures. They have sparked debates and discussions on the nature of marriage, family dynamics, and the sustainability of such a large household. The Chana family's extraordinary tale remains an important cultural phenomenon and a subject of interest to researchers, sociologists, and curious individuals worldwide.
Top Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World

Remarkable Structures

The original list was compiled by various Greek writers, including Antipater of Sidon and Philo of Byzantium, around the 2nd century BC. However, only one of the original wonders, the Great Pyramid of Giza, still exists today. The other six wonders have been lost to time, either destroyed by natural disasters or human actions. 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza: Located in Eg...
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ancient world wonders