The Paradise Of Cats


1. Location: Aoshima is situated in the Seto Inland Sea, approximately 5 kilometers off the coast of Saganoseki Peninsula. It is part of the city of Ozu in the Ehime Prefecture. 2. Size and Population: Aoshima is a tiny island, covering an area of just 5.55 hectares (0.022 square miles). As of 2020, the island had a population of around 30 people. 3. Cat Island: Aoshima is often referred to as "Cat Island" due to its significant cat population. It is estimated that the number of cats on the island exceeds the human population. The cats were originally brought to the island to control the mouse population that posed a threat to the fishing boats. 4. Tourism: Aoshima has gained popularity as a tourist destination, attracting visitors who are fascinated by the large number of feline residents. However, it is important for tourists to respect the cats and not disturb their natural habitat or cause them any harm. 5. Access:To reach Aoshima, visitors can take a ferry from Nagahama Port, which is near the Saganoseki Peninsula. The ferry ride takes around 30 minutes.
6. Natural Features: Aoshima is known for its scenic beauty. The island features rocky coastlines, caves, and a dense forested area. It offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy serene walks and the tranquility of a remote island. 7. Cat-related Facilities: There are a few cat-related facilities on the island, including feeding stations and shelters. These facilities are managed by volunteers who ensure the well-being of the cats. 8. Local Life: Aoshima is primarily a fishing community. The local residents are involved in fishing as their main livelihood. Tourism has become an additional source of income for some residents. 9. Wildlife: Besides the cats, Aoshima is home to various other wildlife species. The surrounding waters are rich in marine life, offering opportunities for fishing and observing aquatic creatures. 10. Preservation Efforts: In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve the island and its unique ecosystem. Guidelines have been implemented to ensure the health and safety of the cats, as well as the preservation of the natural environment.
Fresh Fish Water Species

Biggest Gold Fish

1. Size: Big goldfish can grow significantly larger than their smaller counterparts. While the average size of a common goldfish is around 6-8 inches (15-20 cm), big goldfish can reach lengths of up to 10-12 inches (25-30 cm) or even larger in some cases. 2. Lifespan: Goldfish, including big goldfish, have the potential to live for quite a long time. Under optimal conditions and with proper care, they can live up to 20 years or more. 3. Appearance: The big goldfish shares similar physical characteristics to the common goldfish. These fish typically have a streamlined body shape, vibrant color...
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Fresh Fish Species