Worship Him That Made

He Made Spontenously Through His Word

(Acts 17:24-27) God Who Made The World And Everything In It, Since He is Lord Of Heaven And Earth Does Not Dwell In Temples Made With Hands, Nor Is He Worshipped With Man's Hands As Though He Needed Anything Since He Gives To All Life, Breath And All Things. And He Has Made From One Blood Every Nation Of Man Who Dwell On The Face Of The Earth And Has Determined Their Pre-appointed Times And The Boundaries Of Their Dwellings. So That They Should Seek The Lord In The Hope That They Might Grope For Him And Find Him Though He Is Not Far From Each One Of Us. A Starting Point - A Key to your world view is understanding 1 - Where you came from 2 - What you're doing here 3 - Where you're going. What you believe about how your origin defines what you see as your purpose. This truth will shape your whole world view of God Almighty. 1. The Law of Conservation of Mass - It states that matter can not be created or destroyed for the universe to come from nothing requires faith. Everything in the science world supports that nothing can not be created for no reason out of nowhere. You cannot have a vacuum of eternal nothingness and know where you are. You cannot get organization and design from nothing. Biology And Archeology all support creation. 2. The Law Of Entropy - It states that nature tends from order to disorder in isolated systems. For example if you have a beautifully cared for garden with the vines when trimmed, and when you leave it alone for like 2 - 3 years, you watch and see what happens. Things tend toward chaos and they loose their energy and break down. But what we see is a universe with order, design, intelligence and energy has been invested in all these different systems. Something from the outside created these things. 3. The Law of Biogenesis - It states all existing life came from life. What came first the chicken or the egg, well you need a chicken to lay an egg. The chicken came first but you need an egg to get a chicken. There is not a single example on the earth where you observe life springing from non-life. Even if you say that plant came from the seed, well the seed is life with a cellwall, nucleus, plasma etc. Louis Pastura proved that, he left some meat out and after some days, maggots where found in the meat and it was because houseflies had layed eggs on it. And when he tried to put the meat in the vacuum and left it after some days, nothing happened. The Complexity of Life - A single human cell is far more complex than the space shuttle or nuclear submarine. The fastest super computer in the world is called the fugaku, this computer can conduct more than 442 quadrillion calculations per second, it has 558976 processors or nodes fitting into 442 power racks using 26000KW to power it. Still this computer has not reached the intelligence that can match the brain of a mouse. They a billion dollars building this computer. Yet some people still believe that a mouse brain happened by accident. There must have been some higher intelligence.
4. Symbiotic Relationships in Life - This is where plants and animals cannot life without each other. For example there is a beautiful hamming bird called the swordbill with the longest bill compared to it's body size. And it's designed to fit into a particular flower and flower needs that bird to pollinate it and the bird needs the nector. Another example, the goby fish and shrimp. that pair up with each other in the ocean, the shrimp is strong but virtually blind and all through the day the shrimp keep touching the fish to see where it is. Therefore the fish looks for food and the shrimp provides for it protection. Another example, is the trantula and a frog, this spider can easily eat the frog but it's not bothered because it needs that frog to keep it clean after eating so that insects don't disturb the spider. 5. The Flood Of Evidence - All around the world is evidence for a great flood. In Hawaii, they have a story of a man called Noe who survived a great flood in a Cano with his family. The mesopotamians have a story called the epic of Gilgamesh. As you look around the world you notice that there was a catastrophe, where great numbers of animals where at one time covered with volcanic ash or floods all at once. If you ask an evolutionist, how do you date the layers in these geologic columns, they say it's based on the fossils we find on those layers., and how do you date the fossils, he says, based on the layers we find them. And Eventually he will tell you i don't know. 6. Sex - If the original single cells of life reproduce by splitting, why would it become necessary for species to have two separate genders. Can you picture the day when these wanted to have a family and they split and this cell says am going try something different, saying i will bring you flowers, and the other a necklace. There is no scenario in evolution that explains that. But there needs to becollaboration through an act of love created and ordained by the Almighty God that a child is born with genes it inherits from it's parents.
United States Air Force Aircraft Carrying The President

Air Force One

1. Aircraft: Air Force One is a highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft. It has a length of 231 feet and 10 inches, wingspan of 195 feet and 8 inches, and a height of 63 feet and 5 inches. The plane has four engines, each providing around 56,000 pounds of thrust. 2. Interior: The interior of Air Fo...
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US air force one