70 Years Old One Volt Battery

Karpens Pile

The Karpen's Pile is described as a device that generates electricity without the need for an external power source. It consists of a stack of metal discs separated by insulating material, such as cardboard soaked in saltwater. The discs are made of different metals, typically zinc and copper, which create a chemical reaction when immersed in the electrolyte solution. According to Karpen's claims, the chemical reaction between the metals and the electrolyte creates a continuous flow of electricity, resulting in perpetual motion. However, this violates the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.
Despite Karpen's assertions, no independent scientific verification or replication of his device has been successfully conducted. The scientific community remains skeptical of the claims made about the Karpen's Pile, considering it to be an example of pseudoscience or a misunderstanding of basic scientific principles. It is important to note that Guinness World Records does not recognize perpetual motion devices or claims as they go against established scientific principles. The organization focuses on measurable and verifiable achievements that can be objectively assessed and documented.
Remarkable Survival Story

Emile Leray

Emile Leray is a French mechanic and adventurer who gained recognition for his remarkable survival story. In 1993, while traveling through the Moroccan desert, Leray encountered a very serious and challenging situation . His Citroën 2CV car broke down in a remote area with no means of communication. Rater than giving u...
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Emile Leray