Remarkable Survival Story

Emile Leray

Emile Leray is a French mechanic and adventurer who gained recognition for his remarkable survival story. In 1993, while traveling through the Moroccan desert, Leray encountered a very serious and challenging situation . His Citroën 2CV car broke down in a remote area with no means of communication. Rater than giving up, Leray decided to use his mechanical skills and resourcefulness to transform his broken-car into a makeshift motorcycle. Usng only the essential parts from his car, Leray modified the vehicle by removing the body and creating his creation.
Wth his impoverished motorcycle, Leray embarked on a daring journey through the harsh desert terrain to seek help. After traveling for several days, he was discovered by a military patrol and determination in the face of adversity earned him international recognition and admiration. Emile Leray's story serves as a testament to human resilience and the ability to overcome challenges through creativity and resourcefulness.
New Zealand Community-Based Organizations

Coffin Clubs

1. Origins: The concept of coffin clubs originated in Rotorua, New Zealand, in 2010 when a group of elderly individuals decided to create their own coffins. The idea gained popularity, and coffin clubs started forming in various communities across the country. 2. Objectives: Coffin clubs aim to challenge the stigma surrounding de
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senior citizens